Gopa, Beauty




Great Star Man and White Star Woman together birthed a daughter who they raised lovingly. When she became older White Star Woman put her on a cloud and gave her some seeds to sow on Earth. From these seeds the most beautifully coloured flowers exhuming the sweetest scents would grow. Great Star Man had learned many lessons before he was united with White Star Woman. The knowledge Great Star Man had developed, was planted by his daughter on Earth and out of this something wonderful sprang forth: a heavenly flower garden. All the lessons you learn are as seeds filled with your wisdom. If you plant them, implement them you create beauty. Sometimes we choose to not plant the seeds we have gathered. We choose to ignore the lessons we have learned and continue down the old path. Usually we do this out of fear and insecurity, restraining ourselves from going down a new path. This is the moment to let that fear go and plant your wisdom. Something beautiful will arise from this.


560-days Calendar


Day 173  Cyclus 65

season color: green


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